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Georgie Smith

The Best Feed for Goats

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

2 goats waiting for feed

Goats are famous for “eating anything,” but in reality, finding the right goat feed and providing the proper nutrition for a thriving goat herd is complicated.

What you should feed your goats will depend on what kind of goats you have, what products your goats provide (meat, milk, or fiber), how old and at what stage of life your goats are, your environment, and what quality of pasture your farm can provide.

But first, let’s start with the basics.

Goats are Ruminants

Goats are ruminants, similar to cows, with a four-compartment stomach. That gives them the ability to consume much more fibrous materials than single-stomach animals (like omnivore species).

But unlike cows, goats are more browsers versus grazers. They prefer to eat just the tops of grasses and enjoy woody species, like shrubs and vines (hence why they are great at clearing overgrown pasture land).

In general, goats should have access to pasture. But, depending on the pasture quality, time of year, and the production needs of the goats, they may also need supplement feed, including forages (like hay) and potentially grain rations. Goats typically get most of their vitamins and minerals from their food but may require supplements of vitamins A, D, and E. They should be provided free-choice salt, calcium, and phosphorous (and possibly selenium supplements, if you are in the Pacific Northwest).

Goats should always have access to unlimited fresh water.

Feed for Goats (Dairy)

A high-producing dairy goat breeds of Nubians, Alpines, Saanens, or one of the other popular dairy goat breeds need special attention paid to their diet to support their production levels and ensure they produce sweet-tasting, high-quality milk.

Dairy goats should have access to pasture — a typical rule of thumb is ½ acre of land per milking goat in temperate climates (drier climates will need more land or risk over-grazing). But, dairy goats in production and growing stock and pregnant does should be supplemented with high-protein legume hay (like alfalfa). Kids, bucks, and milking does should also receive a standardized dairy grain ration.

Also, be careful of what you feed your dairy cows as certain types of feed (soy is often identified as a culprit) can flavor the taste of the milk, making it “goaty.” Some goat owners report tasting specific pasture weeds (like wild onions) in their goat’s milk as well.

Feed for Goats (Meat Goats)

The key to profitably raising meat goats is maximizing their feed-to-meat conversion rate efficiency. Each breed has slightly different nutritional requirements and many meat goat farmers consult with veterinarians or feed specialists to dial in the most efficient feed regime for their herd.

If pasture quality is high, goat farmers don’t need to buy as much feed to supplement their herd’s nutritional requirements. The trick is understanding the total nutrient requirements of your goats and then figuring out how much is provided through pasture. Then, you can determine how much supplement feed you might need to provide.

Remember, pasture is more productive at different times of the year and the stage of growth of the animals you are feeding will determine your goats’ total nutritional requirements. Check with your local agricultural extension office to have your feed, hay, and pasture tested for their nutritional composition.

As a general rule of thumb, Boer goats (one of the most popular meat goat breeds in the U.S.) require at least one pound of feed per day. However, in group feed situations where you cannot control how much each goat consumes, it is best to feed at least two lbs per goat. That ensures the more aggressive goats get their fill but still leaves feed for the timid members of the herd.

How their nutritional needs are met — whether through grazing pasture, feeding hay, or providing a high-energy supplement — is variable. The key is knowing the nutritional value of what you feed.

Feeding Gestating and Lactating Goats

Feeding gestating and lactating goats is crucial to ensure their health, productivity, and the well-being of their offspring. During gestation, especially in the last two months when fetal growth is most rapid, the nutritional needs of does increase significantly. It is essential to provide a balanced diet that includes high-quality forage, grains, and supplements to meet these increased demands. A diet rich in energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals helps support the development of healthy kids and prepares the doe for the demanding lactation period.

Forage, such as good-quality hay or pasture, should form the basis of a gestating doe’s diet. This should be supplemented with grains to provide additional energy, particularly during the late gestation period. Protein-rich feeds such as alfalfa hay, soybean meal, or commercial protein supplements are also important to support fetal development. Adequate mineral supplementation, particularly calcium, phosphorus, and selenium, is crucial to prevent deficiencies that could lead to complications such as milk fever or weak kids.

During lactation, the nutritional needs of does increase even further due to the demands of milk production. A lactating doe’s diet should continue to be based on high-quality forage, but with increased amounts of energy and protein to support milk yield. Grain supplements become even more critical during this period. Additionally, lactating does require more water to produce milk, so constant access to clean, fresh water is essential.

Proper feeding management during these critical periods not only ensures the health and productivity of the doe but also impacts the growth and vitality of the kids. Close monitoring of body condition and adjusting the diet as needed can help prevent issues such as ketosis or underfeeding. Overall, a well-balanced and carefully managed feeding program is key to successful goat reproduction and lactation.

Goat Feeding During Gestation Chart

Keeping Track of what they are eating, and how much hay and nutrients you have on hand is a top priority for us at Farmbrite. Try it for free.

Other Goat Feed Considerations

Goats are highly susceptible to parasite infections, with potentially devastating results for your herd. Strategies to avoid that include selectively breeding for parasite-resistant stock but also using smart feeding methods.

Never feed hay or grain on the ground. Goats do not like to eat that close to the ground (remember they are browsers, not grazers) and it encourages parasite infections. Ensure your pastures are not overgrazed and rotated, leaving them un-grazed for several months. Some producers follow goats with cattle to break up parasite cycles in paddocks.

A final rule of thumb is always, always know what plant you’re feeding to your goats and its toxicity level. Despite their reputation for “eating anything,” there are many poisonous plants to goats, including common landscaping shrubs like azaleas and oleanders. More than one goat herd has accidentally been poisoned by an uninformed owner or neighbor feeding the herd “trimmings” from their yard.

For more extensive information on goat nutrition, including raising milk, meat, or fiber goats, check out Langston University’s American Institute for Goat Research, based out of Oklahoma.

Want an efficient way to keep track of goats and feedings? Check out Farmbrite.

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