The winter is a great time to reflect on the growing season, plan for the upcoming season, take some much-needed downtime, and maybe do some research/reading. Since we're all looking for ideas to make our farms better I thought we would review. a few books on farming.
For those interested in small farming, a wealth of insightful books can provide both inspiration and practical guidance. Some offer efficient and profitable farming techniques, while others emphasize sustainable practices that can be implemented on a small scale.
These books provide a solid foundation in both the theory and practice of small farming and cater to various interests and approaches. Here are our top picks for farming books. We've chosen this collection to offer a wide range of ideas and farming practices; some are about tilling, some are about the business side of farming and others just have sound advice to get you started.
Here is our list of the top farming books for small-scale farmers

1) You Can Farm
By Joel Salatin
This book, written by Joel Salatin, founder of Polyface Farms gives the rundown of how to be successful and profitable in a small farm business, aptly subtitled "The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise." There are many ideas that can help you even if you aren't selling at the market.
2) The Market Garden
By Jean-Martin Fortier
Micro-farming is a real thing. Read about how you can make a living on 1.5 acres and feed more than 200 families. This book breaks down everything you need to know to get started and grow a micro-farm. They talk about low-tech options but high yield. It is a great read with pictures, checklists, and many innovative ideas. Additionally, the Market Gardener Institute offers courses for small farms to help you get started.
3) The Lean Farm
By Ben Hartman
Working smarter, not harder is the key takeaway from this book. Hartman is farming on just 1 acre and using innovative and progressive farming techniques which he talks about in this book. He is also the founder of Clay Bottom Farm and provides resources and training for those interested in Lean Farming. He is helping to bring farming to a new generation of farmers.
4) Dirt to Soil
By Gabe Brown
The soil is the star of this book. Through his family trials, he has found some innovative solutions to some of the pressing agricultural challenges we come up against today. The question asked here is, "How can we get more life from the land?"
5) The Resilient Farm and Homestead
By Ben Falk
A land designer and site developer took some land that would not conventionally be used for farming and made it thrive. He has a team of researchers and this book gives loads of helpful information and strategies on his work. You'll find gravity-fed water systems, site design, agroforestry, fertility management, and more.
6) Start Your Farm: The Authoritative Guide to Becoming a Sustainable 21st-Century Farm
By Forrest Pritchard & Ellen Polishuk
Learn how to start a farm in the 21st century with a small to medium-sized acreage. This book gives real examples and to-dos for aspiring farmers out there. It takes this to the business side of farming which you will need to make your way. It also talks about the dos and don'ts. It's an easy read and one you should pick up if you're looking into getting into farming.
7) The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution: High Production Methods for Small-Scale Farmers
By Andrew Mefferd
Increasingly more farmers are moving toward low-till or no-till farming practices. This book provides real-life no-till stories and examples brought to you in a conversational style. If you're looking into tillage reduction, and sustainable growing styles check out this book.
This isn't the definitive list but as a short list to get you started, the 7 books mentioned above will serve you well. But there are so many other books that add value to learning about farming. "Farming While Black" by Leah Penniman not only shares valuable agricultural knowledge but also addresses issues of land access and social justice in farming and "Gaia's Garden" by Toby Hemenway introduces readers to permaculture principles, promoting a harmonious relationship with nature.
We can't name them all here but some so many other farmers have shared their stories and knowledge about farming. Collectively, these books offer a blend of hands-on advice, philosophical insights, and innovative strategies, making them essential reads for anyone looking to cultivate a successful small farm.
Have a great book or resource that has helped you, we'd love to hear from you. If you'd like to learn about how Farmbrite can help you get started farming take a look here.